Plugin Tag: anti-spam
Conditional CAPTCHA
(34 total ratings)Asks commenters to complete a simple CAPTCHA if they don't have a previously approved comment, or if Akismet thinks their comment is spam.
Restrict Usernames Emails Characters
(25 total ratings)Restrict the usernames, email addresses, characters and symbols or email from specific domain names or language in registration …
Anti-Spam by Fullworks : GDPR Compliant Spam Protection
(11 total ratings)Block automated comment spam with GDPR compliant Anti Spam. No reCAPTCHA or quizzes needed. Effective antispam firewall stops 99% of all spam.
Disable WP Registration Page Spam
(4 total ratings)Disable default WordPress registration page, remove register link and stop registration spam, without disabling user registration.
Anti-Captcha (anti-spam botblocker)
(5 total ratings)Anti-Captcha is a transparent spam solution that does not require any end-user interaction.
ALTCHA Spam Protection
(5 total ratings)ALTCHA offers a free, open-source Captcha alternative, ensuring robust spam protection while respecting user privacy and GDPR compliance.
Easy Cloudflare Turnstile – Privacy friendly reCAPTCHA alternative for WordPress, Contact Form 7, WPForms, BuddyPress, Elementor
(6 total ratings)Add Cloudflare Turnstile to WordPress, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce, WPForms, BuddyPress & Elementor. A 100% FREE reCAPTCHA alternative for WordPress.
Email Address Obfuscation
(2 total ratings)Email Address Obfuscation prevents email harvesting by hiding email address appearing in your pages, while remaining visible to your site visitors.
Universal Honey Pot
(2 total ratings)Universal Honey Pot is a powerful and user-friendly WordPress plugin that provides a plug-and-play solution for protecting your forms against unwanted …
WP referrer spam blacklist (fight 2040+ Referrer Spammers in (Google/Matomo) Analytics)
(3 total ratings)WordPress plugin to fight with 2040+ referrer spammers (like semalt, buttons-for-website and many more).
En Spam
(7 total ratings)Block spam with cookies and JavaScript. All Spambots will remain away from your blog. Without settings or Captcha, install and forget the spam.
WP No-Bot Question
(4 total ratings)Simple question that blocks most spambots (and paid robots) by making them answer a common sense question
Block Spam By Math Reloaded
(6 total ratings)This plugin protects your Wordpress and Buddypress login, comments, and new user/new blog signup process against spambots with a simple math question.
WordPress Spam Blocker | Stop Spam for Contact Form 7, WP Forms and Formidable Forms
(4 total ratings)WordPress SPAM Blocker, formerly Contact Form 7 Manual Spam Blocker, is an easy-to-use plugin to block all those spammers who manually fill out forms …
BuddyPress Security Check
(14 total ratings)Combat spam registrations for a BuddyPress-powered site using Google's reCAPTCHA
BuddyPress reCAPTCHA
(4 total ratings)This plugin utilizes reCAPTCHA to help your blog stay clear of spam-registrations.
(4 total ratings)Anti-spam check the robots by behavior. No captcha. Antispam let robots do so as a human can't do.
Stop Registration Spam
(6 total ratings)Stops spammy automated user registrations using a custom question.
WooCommerce Honey Pot Anti Spam
(1 total ratings)Add honeypot anti-spam functionality to the popular woocommerce plugin.
(2 total ratings)This antispam plugin provides very simple(one-click) and powerful captcha for your blog.